100% Genuine Copy Paste Jobs
Copy Paste Jobs: copy paste work is similar work of ad posting jobs or online ad publishing/advertising. Company provides you an ad matter about any company profile and product details. You have to post given ad matter in different free classified site, every classified site have a free form for posting the ads. You get all free classified sites by searching on different search engine like- google.com, yahoo.com, altavista.com, rediff.com etc.
Work @ home - Stay @ home
- Earn @ home
Students, housewives, working person, retired person, unemployed and anyone who wants part time income, can join and start work.
Benefits of work-
✔ Work from home or your suitable place
✔ Work in your own suitable time
✔ Monthly basis payout system, not fixed salary basis.
✔ Work from Laptop or computer
✔ No experience required
✔ Dedicated customer support through mail, whatsApp
How you will take the payment
Bank transfer- Monthly basis, we will transfer your earning to your bank directly anytime.
How to work-steps by step guide:
Step 1: First you have to register here. After registration we will provide user id and password within 24 hr by email.
Step 2: Login to your account (you can see your earning amount, work details, training guide). We will send you work details.
Step 3: You can take your time and complete the work. After completing work, you need to submit us.
Step 4: After submitting, we will credit the payment to your account and again we will provide you work.
Premium Membership New Payment Payment Structure will be Effect from 1st February 2021:-

You can Pay registration fees by using Paytm, after making payment send us confirmation mail to [email protected] or SMS us at +91-9474425752

You can also transferred/cash deposited the registration fees on given below bank account.

When i can start working?
You can start working within 24 hr after Registration.
Why plan activation fee is needed ?
The registration fee is taken as a service charge, account maintanence, online support and security deposit so that a candidate should not leave the job without completing his/her first assignment, as in such cases the company has to suffer huge losses. We have to keep your records and account details daily. For that reason, we are charging registration fees.
What Is the Payment procedure of Copy Paste Jobs?
You can withdraw your payment daily, any time you want. You can login to your account and check how much you earn. Any time you can transfer it to your bank. We have followings payout options- Bank transfer, Mobile wallet, Paypal, Cheque payment.
Can I trust your website? I was cheated and scammed by many dubious data entry websites?
This question is often asked question and by each customer. But our company is working in thies field from year of 2006. Now company working with different reputed world famous company like google.com, yahoo.com, adhitz, chitka etc.
How much i can earn ?
In this Job, You can earn up to Rs. 800/- per day, It depends upon you.
Do i need any technical knowledge ?
Not at all. You don’t need any technical knowledge or skills to do this Job. Your basic browsing knowledge is enough.
How will I receive support at home?
You will have a dedicated Coach and Subject Matter Expert that will be available to support you by email and live instant message chat.
Will I have support during training?
We will guide you every time and will send you instruction guide.
Will I get to choose which project I work on?
Yes. It is your choice. You can do any types of wok any time. It is totally you choice.
Is there any limitation to work? What is my workload?
Dear member, this is a leisure and free time work, even you could say part time work. However, if you are eager to do this job full time, you can do we are glad about it. There is no work load, It depends upon candidates how much they can work.
Do i need to generate sale ?
No, You do not need to do any sales or marketing work. To Earn money you just need to complete the work we provide.
Do I need any talent to work for this data entry jobs?
The basic requirement of typing on the keyboard is required on your computer. Further, you need to have the computer knowledge to open the web pages and net surfing to earn regularly.
I want to know from where all the data entry form arrives. Who is checking them after completion of the wok?
The worldwide companies make the outsourcing; they are uploaded in our protocol. The work files are uploaded only from India to our servers. The quality assurance inspection checkers are working only in India. We have finalized to bring more works for the technical writing, software development, and accounting and much more in just two months time.
Are positions part-time or full-time?
We offer both full-time and part-time positions.
How do I know my job is acknowledged or not?
It is very simple, once you present a completed job, the next job will be loaded on your page. We do the correction work immediately, as we have millions of people in our database, they are working for us. After, you present the job, your earning amount would be displayed and it is recorded respectively to honor your work.
Is there any limitation to work? What is my workload?
Dear member, this is a leisure and free time work, even you could say part time work. However, if you are eager to do this job full time, you can do we are glad about it. There is no work load, It depends upon candidates how much they can work.
I want to use both my office computer and home computer is there any restriction for change in internet protocol (IP) addresses?
This is not an issue at all to us, you can work anywhere there is no issue. However, ensure that you are not generating your allotted work to the others. We have very sensitive software to find out quickly if many people make the same work. Therefore, we are not bothered either you work from your home computer or from your office computer.