Universal Info Service
General Terms of Service & Agreement

Updated April 3, 2011
Effective April 4, 2011

Thank you for choosing Universal Info Service!

Please read this agreement carefully. It’s a contract that governs your use of any EasyPostJob4U – services or software, or other ‘Universal Info Service’ services or software that directly display or link to this agreement (the “service”). By using or accessing the service, you confirm that you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree, don’t use the service. Thanks.

1. What the contract covers

This is a contract between you and the Universal Info Service listed in Section 13 (“Universal Info Service,” “UIS,”  “we,” “us,” or “our”) for use of the service that Universal Info Service supplies.

Please note that we don’t provide additional warranties for the service. This contract also limits our liability to you. See Sections 9 and 10 for details.

2. Using the service

When using the service, you must comply with this contract, all applicable laws and the Universal Info Service Terms not limited to the package agreement As applicable, you must also obey the code of conduct (http://easypostjob4u.com/login/terms.php).

You must not use the service to harm others or the service. For example, you must not use the service to harm, threaten, or harass another person, organization, or UIS. You must not: damage, disable, overburden, or impair the service (or any network connected to the service);  or redistribute the service or any part of it; use any unauthorized means to modify, reroute, or gain access to the service or attempt to carry out these activities; or use any automated process or service (such as a bot, a spider, periodic caching of information stored by UIS, or metasearching) to access or use the service. You may be able to access third-party websites or services via the service; you acknowledge that we are not responsible for such websites or services or content that may be available there.

3. EasyPostJob4U User ID

We will provide you with credentials on our UIS Home Based Job network to use with the service. You’re solely responsible for your dealings with third parties (including advertisers) who use the network, including as to the delivery of and payment for goods.

4. Your service account, associated accounts, and accounts from third parties

Only you may use your service account. You must keep your accounts and passwords confidential and not authorize any third party to access or use the service on your behalf, unless we provide an approved mechanism for that. You must contact us right away if you suspect misuse of your accounts or any security breach in the service. For some parts of the service, you may be able to set up additional accounts that are dependent on your account (“associated accounts”). You’re responsible for all activity that takes place with your service account and any associated accounts.

If you use an associated account, you acknowledge that the holder of the service account has full control over your associated account. If a third party such as an franchisee gave you your account, that party has rights to your account and may: manage your account, reset your password, or suspend or cancel your account; view your account’s usage and profile data, including how and when your account is used; and read or store content in your account, including electronic communications, contact lists, and other information.

5. Your content

You’re responsible for backing up the data that you store on the service. If your service is suspended or canceled, we may permanently delete your data from our servers. We have no obligation to return data to you after the service is suspended or canceled. If data is stored with an expiration date, we may also delete the data as of that date. Data that is deleted may be irretrievable.

6. Privacy

In order to operate and provide the service, we collect certain information about you. As part of the service, we may also automatically upload information about your computer, your use of the service, and service performance. In particular, we may access or disclose information about you, including the content of your communications, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of UIS or our customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies governing your use of the service; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of UIS employees, customers, or the general public.

The service is a private computer network that UIS operates for the benefit of itself and its customers. UIS retains the right to block or otherwise prevent delivery of any type of email or other communication to or from the service as part of our efforts to protect the service, protect our customers, or stop you from breaching this contract. The technology or other means we use may hinder or break your use of the service.

7. Application as Service

If you receive application as service from us as part of the service, its use is governed in one of two ways: If you’re presented with license terms that you must accept in order to use the application, those terms apply; if no license is presented to you, the terms of this contract apply. We reserve all other rights to the application.

Any application we provide is licensed, not sold. Unless we notify you otherwise, the application license ends when your service ends. You must understand at that point we may disable it. You must not work around any technical limitations in the application. You must not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer any application that’s included in the service, except and only to the extent that the applicable copyright law expressly permits doing so.

You must comply with all domestic and international laws and regulations that apply to the application or service. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users, and end use. Without limitation, you may not transfer the software or service without government permission to anyone on government exclusion lists.

You may display and print content in the pages provided by the service, but you may not make unauthorized copies of those items.

8. How we may change the contract

If we amend this contract, then we’ll notify you before the change takes effect. We may give this notice by posting it on the service or by any other reasonable means. If you don’t agree to the change, we’re not obligated to keep providing the service, and you must cancel and stop using the service before the change becomes effective. Otherwise, the new terms will apply to you.


We provide the service “as is,” “with all faults,” and “as available.” We don’t guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of information available from the service. You acknowledge that computer and telecommunications systems are not fault-free and occasional periods of downtime occur. We do not guarantee the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, or that data loss will not occur. We and our affiliates, franchisees, and vendors give no express warranties, guarantees, or conditions.


You must understand that the registration fees paid by you is non refundable. You cannot claim recovery of any damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect, incidental, or punitive damages.

The limitations apply to anything related to this contract, for example:

  • The service.
  • Loss of data.
  • Content (including code) on third-party websites, third-party programs, or third-party conduct accessed via the service.
  • Viruses or other disabling features that affect your access to or use of the service.
  • Incompatibility between the service and other services, software, and hardware.
  • Delays or failures you may have in starting or completing transmissions or transactions in connection with the service in an accurate or timely manner.
  • Claims for breach of contract; breach of warranty, guarantee or condition; strict liability; tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty); or misrepresentation.

11. Changes to the service and cancellation

We may change the service or delete features at any time for any reason. A particular service may be a prerelease version—a beta, for example—and may not work correctly or in the way a final version might work. We may significantly change the final version or decide not to release a final version.

We may cancel or suspend your service and your access to the UIS network at any time without notice and for any reason. Our reasons for cancellation may include that we stop providing the service in your region or that you breach this contract, fail to sign in to the UIS network during a 60-day period, or don’t pay fees that you owe to us or to our agents. If your service is canceled, your right to use the service stops immediately. If we cancel your credentials, your right to use UIS ID stops immediately. Cancellation of the service or credentials won’t alter your obligation to pay all charges made to your billing account. If we cancel the service in its entirety without cause, we may not refund to you any payments that you have made based on the portion of your service that would otherwise remain.

You may cancel the service at any time and for any reason but that does not make us liable to refund the registration fees.

12. General legal terms terms and conditions

12.1. Interpreting the contract

All parts of this contract apply to the maximum extent permitted by relevant law.

You must understand this is a general contract between you and us regarding the service and not limited, additional terms the particular package or service chosen by you also applies.

If you have confidentiality obligations related to the service—for example, you may have been a trial account holder—those obligations remain. Other terms may apply when you use or pay for other UIS services. The contract’s section titles don’t limit its terms.

12.2. Assignment and transfer

We may assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose our rights and obligations under this contract, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. You may not assign this contract or transfer any rights to use the service.

12.3. No third-party beneficiaries

This contract is solely for your and our benefit. It is not for the benefit of any other person, except for permitted successors.

12.4. Claims

Claims must be filed within 7 days of registration. You must bring any claim related to this contract or the service within 7 days of the date you registered with us and accepting thiese terms. If it isn’t filed in time, the claim is permanently barred.

12.5. Notices

You may notify us as stated in customer support for the service. We accept email notices. This contract is in electronic form. We may send you, in electronic form, information about the service, additional information, and information the law requires us to provide. We may provide required information to you by email at the address you specified when you signed up for the service or by access to a UIS website that we identify. Notices emailed to you will be deemed given and received when the email is sent. If you don’t consent to receive notices electronically, you must stop using the service.

13. Contracting party, choice of law and location for resolving disputes

  • You’re contracting with Universal Info Service, WB, India, and West Bengal State law governs the interpretation of this contract and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. All other claims, including claims regarding consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, You and we irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Cooch Behar courts in West Bengal, India, for all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract.

14. Your Payments to UIS

14.1. Cooling off period

When you request a service from us, you agree that we may begin to provide the service immediately and that you will not be entitled to a cancellation or “cooling off” period, and after when a service starts right away. You may cancel the service as provided in Section 14.9.

14.2. Charges

When you are paying for a service, this Section 14 applies if you pay us directly or via franchisees. Additionally, you may incur charges incidental to using the service, for example, charges for Internet access, text messaging, or other data transmission. You also understand that payments are non refundable as stated in Section 10.

14.3. Payment

You must be authorized to use the payment method that you enter when you create a account. You authorize us to charge you for the service using your payment method and for any paid feature of the service that you choose to sign up for or use while this contract is in force. We may bill: (a) in advance; (b) at the time of purchase; (c) shortly after purchase; or (d) on a recurring basis for subscription services. Also, we may charge you up to the amount you’ve approved, and we’ll notify you in advance of the difference for recurring subscription services. We may bill you simultaneously for more than one of your prior billing periods. Once we have informed you that the service will be provided indefinitely or automatically renewed, we may automatically renew your service and charge you for any renewal term.

14.4. Updates to your billing account

You must keep all information in your billing account current. You can inform us and you may change your payment method at any time. If you tell us to stop using your payment method and we no longer receive payment from you for the paid service, we may cancel that service. Your notice to us will not affect charges we submit to your billing account before we reasonably could act on your request.

14.5. Trial period offers

Unless we notify you otherwise, if you’re participating in any trial period offer, you must cancel the service by the end of the trial period to avoid incurring new charges. If you do not cancel your service and we have told you the service will convert to a paid subscription at the end of the trial period, you authorize us to charge your payment method for the service.

14.6. Prices and price increases

The price stated for the service excludes all access, communication and phone charges, unless stated otherwise. You’re responsible for all other charges (for example, phone charges and currency exchange settlements).

We’ll notify you in advance if we change the price of the service. If there’s a specific length and price for your service offer, that price will remain in force for that time. After the offer period ends, your use of the service will be charged at the new price. If your service is on a period basis (for example, monthly) with no specific length, we’ll notify you of any price change at least 30 days in advance. If you don’t agree to these changes, you must cancel and stop using the service before the changes take place. If you cancel, your service ends at the end of your current service period or, if we bill your account on a period basis, at the end of the period in which you canceled.

14.7. Refund policies

Unless otherwise provided by a particular service offer, all charges are earned when received and are nonrefundable.

14.8. Online transaction and errors

You must tell us within 7 days after an error first appears in you notice. If you don’t tell us within that time, you release us from all liability and claims of loss resulting from the error; we won’t be required to correct the error. We can correct billing errors at any time.

14.9. Canceling the service

You may cancel the service at any time, with or without cause. Some service offers may require you to pay cancellation charges as stated in the materials describing the offer. Your cancellation of the service won’t alter your obligation to pay all charges made to your account.

14.10. Late payments

We may assess a late charge if you do not pay on time. You must pay these late charges when we intimate you for them. The late charge will be the maximum rate permitted by law. We may use a third party to collect past due amounts. You must pay for all reasonable costs we incur to collect any past due amounts, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other legal fees and costs. We may suspend or cancel your service if you fail to pay in full on time.

14.11. Internet access service

The service doesn’t include Internet access, you’re responsible for paying the fees charged by your Internet access provider. Those fees are in addition to the fees you pay us for the service. The rest of this section applies only if your service includes Internet access. This service may not be available in your country or region.

If you use a dial-up modem, you may incur toll, roaming, or other access charges, depending on the number you’re calling and where you’re calling from. You should check with your local telephone company first to determine if the number you plan to use will incur such charges. Even if we suggest a phone number for you to call, you may still incur charges, depending on your local provider, calling location, and phone plan. We will not reimburse you for such charges.

15. Payments to you

Your right to any payment due to you under the service is conditioned upon you promptly providing us with all of the information we need to properly make the payment. You must provide us with the information we request before your right to receive the payment accrues. You’re responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide and for any taxes and charges you may incur. You must also comply with any other conditions we place on your right to any payment. If you receive a payment in error, we may reverse or require return of the payment. You agree to cooperate with us in our efforts to do this. We may also reduce your earned balance without notice to adjust for the previous overpayment.


Earnings finalized: After the 15th day of completion of reporting month for each worker the system starts checking and verifies the works, and normally they are completed within 25th day after completion of the reporting month. On the last day of each month, our system identifies all accounts that have reached the payment threshold (Currently INR. 1000/- for Indians). All the accounts that have reached the threshold are then sent for approval. Within the first few days of the month, the payments are processed and sent.

Payment issued: Within the next few days after verification completes, customer payment is calculated. At this time, we’ll have customers payment processed and sent to them.

Payment arrives: The time it takes for your payment to arrive depends on form of payment you have selected.

  • Standard delivery checks: generally arrive within 1-2 weeks of the mailing date in the India; outside of the India typically arrive in 2-4 weeks.
  • Secure Delivery checks: generally arrive in 5-7 days.
  • NEFT payments: should arrive in your bank account within 2-4 days.
  • Hand payments: available for pickup at your local franchisee branch two business days after they are sent.

If you haven’t received your payment 60 days after it is issued, you can request a reissue.


Copyright and trademark notices

All contents of the service are Copyright © 2010 Universal Info Service and/or its suppliers, India. All rights reserved. We or our suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the service and content.

UIS, UIS India, Easypostjob4u, and other UIS products and services may also be either trademarks or registered trademarks of UIS in the India and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted in this contract are reserved. Certain software used in certain UIS website servers is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Copyright © 1991–1996 Thomas G. Lane. All rights reserved.


Customer support is offered for the service on phone or by e-mail. The method of communication may change over time to cover customer support.